Monday 7th October 2024
Hydrogeological Consultancy
Groundwater Protection & Leachate Management

Welcome to RUKHYDRO

Welcome to RUKHYDRO Limited, a hydrogeological consultancy specialising in water quality issues, risk assessment and in the management of landfill leachate. The company is operated by Dr Nick Rukin, an experienced consultant with national level expertise. Read more about Nick Rukin’s qualifications and experience.

Skill Areas

Catchment Water Quality / Diffuse Pollution Groundwater Risk Assessment Landfill Leachate Management Water Chemistry
Groundwater Vulnerability Landfill Leachate Balances Hydrochemistry
Septic Tanks Contaminated Land Retrofit Well Spacing Calcs Pollution Evaluation
Pesticides Open Cast Coal Mines Waste Stabilisation Calcs Natural Attenuation
Nitrates Discharges to Land Leachate Quality Deep Mines & Spoil Heaps
Catchment Management Accidents and Spills Gas in Waste Issues

A wide range of consultancy services are available in these and other skill areas. Click on the skill areas to read more about those subjects and our experience. If you can't find the service you are looking for please contact us to check our capabilities or those of our associates.

Why Choose RUKHYDRO / Nick Rukin

Clients – As a consultant, Nick has had repeat work from some clients in the public and private sector for more than ten years.

Commercial – VAT Registered and Insured.

Experience – 33 years consultancy experience for a wide range of private industry, regulator and government clients on projects of different sizes and requiring a wealth of skills.

Flexibility – One of these ways of working should be of interest to you:

Hands-On – When you engage Nick to do work, he brings his experience and expertise to all parts of the delivery and not just the management of the work.

Innovative – Sometimes problems require a new approach – Nick has previously developed new approaches for problems associated with e.g. groundwater vulnerability, nitrates impacting public water supplies, the impact of surcharging of landfills, and differentiating between different catchment pollution pressures in complex catchments.

Quality & EMS – Nick has previously worked under ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 and works with these requirements in mind now. See the Quality and EMS page for more information.

Reputation – Nick has written national guidance on groundwater risk assessment, been engaged as a national expert on some aspects of landfill hydrogeology, and given a range of well received presentations at national conferences.

Value – As RUKHYDRO Limited has low overheads, Nick's rate is likely to be much better value for you than someone with his experience in a larger consultancy. Put another way, your money is likely to buy 40-50% more time.

Wider Support – Nick has contacts with a number of other associates and larger consultancies and so can build a wider project team if required.