Saturday 27th July 2024
Hydrogeological Consultancy
Groundwater Protection & Leachate Management


Examples of RUKHYDRO Limited clients supported since November 2009 are listed below:

Client Period Scope
Confidential Landfill Client Sep 2019 to Dec 2019 Closed landfill portfolio evaluation and opportunities review. Provided support to Smallbrook Environmental Ltd (SEL) for their wider aspect evaluation with inputs regarding leachate volume management, waste stabilisation and aftercare period prediction.
Aggregate Industries Apr 2019 to Oct 2019 Hydrogeological risk assessment of the proposed restoration with inert soils of a dewatered sand and gravel mineral working near Fairford in Gloucestershire. Work direct, but in discussion with Tanglewood Environmental Ltd.
Tronox Pigment UK Ltd Apr 2019 to Jun 2019 Hydrogeological risk assessment review of a closed landfill containing non-putrescible, industrial and commercial wastes from the adjacent pigment-manufacturing chemical plant near Immingham, Lincolnshire. Work via and in discussion with Enitial.
Anglian Water Jan 2019 to Jun 2019 Reviewed the likely impacts of climate change on nitrates in groundwater in Anglian Water public water supply abstractions. The work included setting the scene of the Anglian region to focus the investigation, a literature review of national guidance on climate change impacts (RIDE forum) and work by BGS and others since 2011, and revisiting the basic principles leading to nitrate variation in groundwater. Possible effects and an estimate of their magnitude were summarised and a strategy was recommended for Anglian Water to consider for AMP7. Work direct.
Coppergreen Developments Ltd March 2019 Provided support in discussion with the Environment Agency and waste water treatment engineers to evaluate the feasibility (from a groundwater risk perspective) of a discharge to ground via a drainage field for treated sewage effluent from a development of over 100 holiday lodges in Nottinghamshire. Work direct.
Environment Agency Feb 2019 to Mar 2019 Part of a small team of experienced independent hydrogeologists providing ideas, concepts and methods on evaluating deep and / or brackish groundwater resources in England. Work led by Stephen Buss Environmental Consulting.
Groundwater Science Ltd Aug 2018 Developed historic nitrate leaching trends as inputs to a Groundwater Science flow and transport model prepared for a bottled water client. The model helped explore the influence of different abstraction scenarios on water quality.
Wessex Water Jun 2018 to Sep 2018 Review of evidence for domestic heating oil migration following a pipe leak within the Chalk catchment to a public water supply. The work brought together different information sources to give a single consolidation of what was known and uncertain and on that basis evaluated the risk of contamination to the borehole supply. Recommendations were made to reduce uncertainties. Work direct.
Natural Resources Wales Feb 2018 to Oct 2018 Evaluation of Welsh groundwater quality datasets for any chemicals that could be of national concern. The work examined previous EU and UK studies for context and then processed and evaluated both targeted (inorganic and organic) and broadscan GCMS (organic) datasets (against EALs where available). Criteria for chemicals of concern were proposed based on frequency of occurrence and the geometric mean concentration; both criteria relative to a threshold concentration. Work direct with NRW’s Geoscience team.
Inert Landfill Client Aug 2017 to Dec 2018 Evaluation of risks of sulphate leaching from inert soils sourced from the weathered London Clay and review of potential implications on risks to groundwater as evaluated by others. The work included a number of phases of support over the period and was via Smallbrook Environmental Ltd.
Paper Mill site Jul 2017 to Nov 2017 Review of water quality data for likely sources of trace concentrations of hydrocarbons, advice on sampling and update of remedial target spreadsheet calculations to check risk to nearby water receptor. Work via Smallbrook Environmental Ltd.
FCC Environment May 2017 to Oct 2017 Review of water quality, water balance and waste stabilisation for a closed landfill to check the need for continued water quality monitoring. Work via Smallbrook Environmental Ltd.
Wessex Water Apr 2017 to ongoing Support on nitrate trend and variability prediction. Work direct.
Arable farmer, North Yorkshire Mar 2017 to Jul 2017 Review of the supporting information behind proposed maintenance of a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) designation and prepare challenge on behalf of farmer.
Bottled Water Company Feb 2017 to Jul 2017 Evaluation of likely catchment areas to multiple borehole and spring supplies. Work direct.
Timberlink Ltd Oct 2016 to Sep 2017 Technical support on understanding of site, qualitative risk of timber treatment and storage activities to the water environment and screening of different timber treatment products to evaluate their relative risks to groundwater.
Severn Trent Water Sep 2016 to Jan 2017 Technical advice and steering of a project examining blended water quality using linear water quality trends with deployable outputs for groundwater sources. Work with ESI Ltd.
Advance Construction Scotland Jul 2016 to May 2018 Hydrogeological risk assessment for a proposed inert landfill near Hamilton. Initial desk study followed by update with site investigation and monitoring data. Work via Roche Environmental and in co-ordination with Smallbrook Environmental Ltd.
Severn Trent Water Jun 2016 to Oct 2016 Project management and technical review of (linear) nitrate trends for over 270 groundwater sources and (linear) trending of other water quality parameters (e.g. pesticides, solvents, metals) for a further 60+ sources. Work with ESI Ltd.
Radnor Hills Water Oct 2015 to ongoing Hydrogeological support focussed primarily on investigating the impact of discharge of treated effluent to ground via a soakaway, but also including catchment and SPZ delineation, and bottled water source characterisation. SPZ delineation by Groundwater Science’s Alastair Black. Work direct, but in close liaison with permit and treatment support consultants SDL.
Caird Peckfield Ltd Jan 2015 and Dec 2016 Interim hydrogeological risk assessment review and review of leachate extraction and drawdown against a 2011 Rukhydro leachate extraction schedule. Work direct.
Water UK, Defra and the Environment Agency Jan 2015 to Dec 2016 Sewer misconnection hot spot mapping feasibility / research study. The work evaluated the potential to use available metrics regarding the likelihood of certain properties having appliances connected to clean water drains together with available mapped datasets on e.g. housing type and age. Work in partnership with pjHYDRO.
OPES Industries Ltd Mar 2015 to Feb 2016 Evaluation of the possible causes of breaches in groundwater quality targets at a former sand and gravel pit overlying Jurassic Limestones.
Natural Resources Wales Jun 2015 to Nov 2015 Evaluation of the possible sources of phosphate to a lake (Llyn Penrhyn) on Anglesey with particular focus on sources via groundwater.
Northern Ireland Environment Agency May 2015 to Aug 2015 Options appraisal for hydrogeological risk assessment of the Citywaste Landfill, Londonderry. Work undertaken as support to White, Young and Green.
Natural Resources Wales Feb 2015 to Apr 2015 Investigation of source of ammonia in the River Alyn, Mold, Flintshire.
Tyne Rivers Trust, The Rivers Trust and Defra Jun 2014 to Jul 2015 Application of the Evidence and Measures approach to the Ouseburn catchment, Newcastle upon Tyne. Work involved working with Rivers Trust staff, drawing together lines of evidence on candidate causes of poor water quality and using this at workshops to help stakeholders agree on the main causes and corrective measures required in this mixed rural and urban catchment. Work with and via fellow associate Paul Hulme of pjHYDRO Ltd.
Aggregate Industries Jun 2014 to Mar 2019 Hydrogeological risk assessment support for a sand and gravel working in Staffordshire. The work developed a strong understanding of the site and its environment and provided an evaluation of potential impacts from the use of pulverised fly ash (PFA) as a restoration soil.
Natural Resources Wales Dec 2013 to Mar 2014 Hydrogeological review of the extent of past and current hydraulic containment at the Brookhill Landfill, Flintshire, Wales and its impact on groundwater quality. Work direct.
Environment Agency Sep 2013 to March 2015 Support to the Environment Agency’s (Partnerships and Strategic Overview) team in helping their stakeholders identify measures to address causes of Water Framework Directive (WFD) failure and then weave these aspects into an updated flood risk management strategy (FRMS) for the Humber estuary. Work included advice on finding and using evidence, working with stakeholders at workshops and development of the combined WFD and FRMS. Work in partnership with pjHYDRO.
Defra Jun 2013 to Mar 2017 WT1538 Operationalising the outputs from the Evidence and Measures project examining (1) ways of more rapidly evaluating evidence at the water body and whole catchment scale (Up-scaling); (2) evidence for unionised ammonia affecting trout and salmon in the Eden River system; (3) Consequences of Measures taken on previous study catchments; and (4) Dissemination of previous phases of work through preparation of project summaries, talks and training given at CaBA workshops. Work with and via fellow associate Paul Hulme of pjHYDRO Ltd.
FCC Environment Ltd Jun 2013 to Dec 2013 Evaluation of the cause(s) of high leachate volumes at the closed Tarbothill landfill, Aberdeenshire Scotland. Work required detailed appraisal of monitoring information and site design to differentiate between cap infiltration, runoff-recharge via surface water ditches and groundwater ingress. Work via and with Smallbrook Environmental Ltd.
Arable farmer, North Yorkshire Sep 2012 to Jun 2013 Review of the supporting information behind a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) designation and prepare (successful) challenge of extent of NVZ on behalf of farmer.
FCC Environment Ltd Sep 2012 to May 2013 Update of Hydrogeological Risk Assessment for part of the Calvert Landfill site, Buckinghamshire, taking into account non-hazardous and hazardous waste cells. Work via URS (I&E) UK Ltd.
Environment Agency Jan 2013 to Mar 2013 Co-deliverer of two 2-day training courses for Environment Agency staff on the Remedial Targets Methodology to assessing impacts to the water environment from contaminated soils and groundwater. Work with and via AMEC E&I (UK) Ltd.
Environment Agency Sep 2012 to Mar 2013 Moston Brook, Manchester, Evidence and Measures Project. This project drew together opinions and evidence from stakeholders, old reports and Environment Agency datasets, then worked with stakeholders at a workshop to agree the most likely causes of Water Framework Directive failure on this small, significantly culverted brook. With our support, the stakeholders went on to develop a range of measures for action on the ground to address the agreed causes of failure, such as domestic sewage wrong connections and landfill. Work with and via fellow associate Paul Hulme of pjHYDRO Ltd.
Caird Bardon Jan 2011 to Feb 2013 Preparation of detailed leachate balance and management strategy in 2011/12 followed by Hydrogeological Risk Assessment Review in 2012/13 for a landfill site near Leeds. Work direct.
Shanks Waste Management Ltd Aug 2012 to Feb 2014 Evaluation of the representativeness and modelling of leachate levels in a closed landfill in 2012. Support in design and review of leachate pumping trial in 2013. Work direct.
Anglian Water Jul 2012 to Feb 2014 External advisor providing review of other consultant’s work on nitrate and pesticide trend prediction for groundwater supplies. Work direct.
Wessex Water Apr 2012 to Feb 2015 Provision of technical support on investigating and reporting of nitrate trends in raw water supplies. Work includes liaison with and coordination of efforts between Wessex Water staff, Universities and others. Work direct.
Augean Plc Jan 2012 to Mar 2012 Groundwater impact assessment in support of planning application for revised restoration of Thornhaugh Landfill Site. Work via URS.
Severn Trent Water Dec 2011 to Jun 2012 Investigation of pesticide contamination at a Sherwood Sandstone groundwater supply in Gloucestershire. The work included design of a pump to waste test, a report detailing the catchment characteristics, pesticide pollution and likely sources, estimating leaching and travel of pesticides and an options appraisal for discussion with stakeholders. Work with ESI Ltd.
Severn Trent Water Nov 2011 to Nov 2012 Advice on sampling and interpretation and reporting of water quality results as part of an investigation by ESI Ltd into sources of high bromide concentration in the River Trent and its tributaries. Work with ESI Ltd.
Severn Trent Water Jul 2011 to Oct 2011 Project management and technical review of (linear) nitrate trends for over 200 groundwater sources and (linear) trending of other water quality parameters (e.g. pesticides, solvents) for a further 25 sources. Work with ESI Ltd.
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Jun 2011 to Nov 2011 Overview of hydrochemical investigations carried out in the 1990s as part of the Sellafield potential nuclear geological disposal facility investigations for UK Nirex. This small piece of work formed a contribution to a larger report that documented the stages of investigation and the lessons learned as a basis for making any future investigations into hydrochemistry at geological disposal facilities sites more focussed and cost-effective. Work as an associate to AMEC.
Waste Contractor May 2011 to Jan 2012 R&D project examining evidence for waste stabilisation at three landfill sites. Work direct.
Augean Plc Mar 2011 to May 2011 Assessment of impacts of possible overtipping at Thornhaugh Landfill Site. Work via URS Scott Wilson Ltd.
Severn Trent Water Feb 2011 to Mar 2012 Tier 2 Cryptosporidium risk assessments for 26 borehole water supplies.  3 Phases of work via ESI Ltd.
Caird Bardon Jan 2011 to Mar 2011 Preparation of detailed leachate balance and management strategy for a landfill site near Leeds.  Work direct.
DEFRA Sep 2010 to May 2011 Continuation of the Evidence and Measures project for DEFRA looking at causes of failure to achieve good status under Water Framework Directive standards on the River Petteril and facilitating workshops to derive measures to improve this status in the years to come. Work with and via fellow associate Paul Hulme of pjHYDRO Ltd.
Environment Agency Sep 2010 to Oct 2010 Review of possible causes of nitrate spikes in pumped groundwater from Chalk boreholes in Wessex.  Work via Entec UK Ltd.
Johns Associates Aug 2010 to Sep 2010 Water aspects review and consultation with respect to the impacts of the proposed expansion of a chicken farm in Somerset. Work direct.
Wessex Water Jun 2010 to Aug 2010 Estimates of long term nitrate trends for Chalk and Upper Greensand public water supply boreholes, calculation of variability of measured data from this trend and prediction of future nitrate concentrations to help design blending schemes. Work direct.
Environment Agency, Wessex Region Jan 2010 to Feb 2011 Technical advisor on nitrate trend modelling in the Bourne and 9 Mile River catchment. Work via Entec UK Ltd.
Golden Acres Group Ltd, Pet Food Manufacturers Jan 2010 to Mar 2010 Surface water lagoon storage leakage calculations and outline design. Site Condition Report in support of PPC Permit application. Work direct.
Environment Agency, National Evidence & Measures Team Nov 2009 to Mar 2010 Advice on approach to investigate the cause of poor fish numbers highlighted by poor ecological status under Water Framework Directive standards in the Petteril catchment, Cumbria, including investigating land use and pollution incident effect on fish numbers. Work direct.
Environment Agency, National Science Team Nov 2009 to Dec 2009 Support to Team Leader on DEFRA / Water Company and Environment Agency collaboration with respect to catchment water quality investigations. Work via Reed Engineering.