Sunday 8th September 2024
Hydrogeological Consultancy
Groundwater Protection & Leachate Management

Quality & EMS

Quality Systems

Rukhydro Ltd is not ISO9001 accredited, but Nick worked under that regime (ISO9001:2008* and its precursors) for over 15 years and continues to follow that way of working in delivery of projects.

Rukhydro Ltd uses the following quality tools:

Environmental Management

Rukhydro Ltd is not ISO14001 accredited but Nick worked under that regime (ISO14001:2004*) for over 5 years and continues to follow that way of working in day to day operation and delivery of projects.

Rukhydro Ltd uses the following approach to environmental issues:

Note: *BSI Transition guides behind the 2015 updates of these systems have been reviewed and the principles with which Nick works remain valid.