Quality & EMS
Quality Systems
Rukhydro Ltd is not ISO9001 accredited, but Nick worked under that regime (ISO9001:2008* and its precursors) for over 15 years and continues to follow that way of working in delivery of projects.
Rukhydro Ltd uses the following quality tools:
- document registers to track project correspondence;
- data checking for anomalous or less reliable data, this includes use of charts where data sets are large;
- calculation checks through (a) formula and mathematics checking and (b) sense checking of results against experience or published work by others;
- sensitivity analysis to check to see which parameters, with uncertainty, are most important to the outcome of an assessment;
- where applicable, appointment of subcontractors using a subcontract with clear scope, schedule, costs and contract terms and review of their deliverables.
- check of report contents against proposed deliverables before issue;
- check that report calculations and recommendations are adequately supported in the report text, report appendices or on file.
- report read-through review before issue of draft for client comment and a re-read and review before issue of final report;
- report issue control;
- strict financial control through use of timesheets to track work against project budgets and justification of invoice costs (where on a fees and expenses basis) through breakdown of timesheet coded hours and justified project expenses;
- proactive request for and response to feedback from clients.
Environmental Management
Rukhydro Ltd is not ISO14001 accredited but Nick worked under that regime (ISO14001:2004*) for over 5 years and continues to follow that way of working in day to day operation and delivery of projects.
Rukhydro Ltd uses the following approach to environmental issues:
- aims to work as paperless as possible through issue of electronic copies of reports and e-mail correspondence (e-mails and scanned letters);
- aims to avoid unnecessary travel;
- considers the energy and consumable use of recommendations made in projects and in the delivery of projects themselves.
Note: *BSI Transition guides behind the 2015 updates of these systems have been reviewed and the principles with which Nick works remain valid.